







» » Inaugural Function of 15th Batch of PKIET



PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS BY Vice Chancellor (5/1/2021)

It gives me immense pleasure in extending a cordial welcome to the parents, newly inducted students, Heads of Departments, Members of the Faculty, Administrative staff, the Registrar, PTU, Dignitaries on the dais and friends from the media for the First year B.Tech Inaugural Function. At the outset, let me congratulate the new comers for having successfully gained admission through CENTAC and for entering into the portals of this prestigious institution PKIET. Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Institute of Engineering and Technology (PKIET) was established in the year 2007, and ever since it has been striving to achieve academic excellence by providing high quality technical education. I am proud to announce that PKIET has now become the constituent college of Puducherry Technological University (PTU). The college offers full time B.Tech. course in 3 disciplines (Agricultural Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering and Petrochemical Engineering). It should be noted that the PKIET courses are absolutely off-beat yet they hold great potential for the job market. The college provides hostel facilities for both boys and girls with a parental touch.

Being the fifteenth batch of PKIET, today the 5th f January, 2022 is going to be remarkable and a memorable day for all of you as you have now become officially the first-year students of the current academic year.

"Your present life is the result of the choices you have made in the past: the same will be true of your future"-Prof' Michael Leboeuf

This moment is nothing but a culmination of your fourteen years of hard work perseverance, dedication, commitment and discipline. At this juncture, I would like to reiterate that the skills that I had mentioned a couple of seconds ago are the ones that are going to help you to carve a niche for yourself in your career as well. Am sure that my dear young friends, you are seated in front of me with dreams in your mind of a campus life which is going to be filled with the right mix of academic pursuits, extra and co-curricular activates and of course filled with great fun and an experience to treasure' Your batch has seen and experienced the unprecedented pandemic of human history and has also created the history of not having taken up your twelfth standard public examination. I totally understand and empathise with both the parents and their wards' experience of the emotional turmoil, the stress the unpredictability, the question of life-or-death issues that all of you have undergone. This experience of yours am sure would have raised the bar of your expectation of a campus life with a conducive learning atmosphere and am pretty sure that PKIET will fulfil those expectations. I am confident that the entire PKIET team would rise to the occasion and fulfil your expectations.

I would like to quote a Chinese proverb that, "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself". Am sure that the faculty here are highly approachable and friendly, so dear students make the best use of them to guide and mentor you. Today, 05 you open a new chapter of your life it is essential to unlearn, learn and relearn which is going to help you not only to succeed in college life but in your professional life as well. To get placed, to survive and to succeed in your Career this should be your mantra. Being engineers and as you are aware technological advancements are happening overnight hence to stay relevant you need to keep the curiosity in you alive and it is this curiosity which leads you to undergo the learning process and thereby you become updated. You must be aware that the recruitment process has now shifted from technical knowhow to skill based and students are no longer expected to just be masters in their respective domains. lnstead, a right blend of intelligence quotient, Emotional quotient, Flexibility quotient, spiritual quotient and employability quotient is the need of the hour. One method in which you can become corporate ready is to retain your strengths or the skills that you already possess and to set a goal to acquire the skills that are a pre-requisite in your respective fields. One semester two skills or whatever works for you is fine. lt is essential that parallelly as you acquire knowledge in your respective subject which is hard skill you begin focussing on accumulating other skills as well. Umpteen choices are available online through courses like SWAYAM-NPTEL, COURSERA and the like. For acquisition of soft skills, you could become member in the various clubs that are available and make the best use of the Training that is imparted by the T&P cell. Ncc and sports activities are promoted and students can participate in various competitions to bring laurels to our college. This college also encourages students to participate in co- curricular activities like conferences, workshops and seminars. To sum up I would like to quote Mahatma Gandhi here, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as, if you were to live forever" lt is this passion that you have to create within you and when you have passion you will find ways to do things rather than give excuses. You begin to experience the joy of learning! 

Dear students I would like to remind you that besides knowledge and skills something else is much more important, it is your values, ethics, integrity, your character and hence your personality. As Martin Luther King rightly points out in his quotation, "The function of education is to teach one to think intensely and to think critically. lntelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education". ln your pursuit for education, I would like to remind you friends never compromise on your integrity and your values. lt is your character that makes you a human being and that should be your utmost priority' Professionalism is what helps you attain this. 

On this momentous occasion let me reiterate that you have come to the right place and a great future is awaiting you! Experienced and highly qualified faculty members who double up as counsellors are ever ready to guide and mentor you. Now, it is in your hands to make the best use of the facilities available. There should be no room for complacency and lethargy just because you have got into one of the best colleges in Karaikal. Self-realisation is the key to success. You need to imbibe a positive attitude, set goals, channelise your energies and work hard towards achieving the goal. Try to capitalise on your strengths, convert your setbacks into strengths, create opportunities and raise the bar of excellence by continuously challenging yourself. Remember College is the right place to nurture your talents! Make the best use of the time you spend here to shape your personality! Keep yourself abreast with the latest trends in technology and the corporate sector so that you are equipped to meet the corporate demands. Getting placed is a short-term goal but being a good human being is a lifelong Boal! Work towards it! 

An anti-ragging Committee has been formed to curtail the menace of ragging. Would like to state to our students those cases of ragging will be taken and stern action will be taken.

Last but not the least, I kindly request the parents to maintain the emotional Connect with their wards and continue spending quality time with them, despite the fact that they have moved on to the next stage of life'

All the Best!!

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