







Hostel Facility for Girls:

Hostel facility for Girls will be provided in the PKIET hostel nearby the College. Security service and caretaker facilities are provided round the clock to safeguard inmates.

Hostel Facility for Boys:

Hostel facility for Boys will be provided in a rented building and   security service will also be provided round the clock.

Boarding Facility:

Boarding Food will be provided through college canteen and Rs. 85/- per day will be charged (including VAT). The inmates have to pay boarding charges on monthly basis before 5th of every month.

Sl.No. Hostel Fee Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year
1 Hostel Admission Fee (One time) 100 - - -
2 Electricity and Water charges p.a 1200 1200 1200 1200
3 Room rent p.a /student 5400 5400 5400 5400
4 Caution Deposit (refundable) 3500 - - -
5 Mess Deposit (refundable) 3000 - - -
6 Hostel Students Welfare Fund 500 500 500 500
7 Insurance Policy Premium p.a 500 500 500 500
8 Establishment charges p.a 3000 3000 3000 3000
  Total (Rs) 17200 10600 10600 10600